How to Jump the Innovation Curve by Guy Kawasaki
September 5, 2021 2021-09-05 0:41How to Jump the Innovation Curve by Guy Kawasaki
1. Great Companies have meaning
When you have meant you earn money; great companies want to change the world.
- Apple changed the world with computers.
- Google changed the world with Information.
- Canva is changing the world with design.
2. Make a mantra
Come up with 2-3 words to have a great mantra, a mantra should define your company with 2-3 effective words.
Nike has “peak athletic performance”.
3. Jump to the next curve
Don’t be afraid of change instead embrace change.
4. Make intelligent products
A slipper that has a beer bottle opener beneath it
Ford Mustang GT has a speed limit you can set on its key to preventing yourself from speeding.
Mercedes Benz has an automatic detector that detects when a car is going to collapse.
5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
Going to the next curve means your products might be crappy at the start, it’s ok!
6. Let newer audiences buy your product
As you go to the next curve, different audiences start buying your product and using it in ways that you didn’t intend it to be used, don’t freak out and take the money.
7. Polarize People
Don’t be afraid of polarizing people, it’s ok if people get upset with your products.
8. Take constructive criticism
Differentiate between people who want you to succeed and take their advice, cancel out the people who criticize for no reason.
9. Start bettering your pitch
Start with a story that gives you a connection with the audience, allow yourself to stand out. Max 10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 point font.